Category Archives: Mike Thelwalla and Liwen Vaughan

A Space Outside of the SEO Race

When it comes to examining the history of the web on an international scale, I am most concerned with the question of access and historical prevalence. Who is accessing these archives is of importance because I question the idea that

A Space Outside of the SEO Race

When it comes to examining the history of the web on an international scale, I am most concerned with the question of access and historical prevalence. Who is accessing these archives is of importance because I question the idea that

SEO and Balancing the Search

  (photo credit: In the essay, “A Fair History of the Web? Examining Country Balance in the Internet”, authors Mike Thelwall and Liwen Vaughan investigate  the possible reasons behind the uneven representation of international websites on the Internet Archive. The

SEO and Balancing the Search

  (photo credit: In the essay, “A Fair History of the Web? Examining Country Balance in the Internet”, authors Mike Thelwall and Liwen Vaughan investigate  the possible reasons behind the uneven representation of international websites on the Internet Archive. The