Author Archives: Maribi Henriquez

A Space Outside of the SEO Race
When it comes to examining the history of the web on an international scale, I am most concerned with the question of access and historical prevalence. Who is accessing these archives is of importance because I question the idea that

A Space Outside of the SEO Race
When it comes to examining the history of the web on an international scale, I am most concerned with the question of access and historical prevalence. Who is accessing these archives is of importance because I question the idea that

The Richest Literary Experience for the iPad Friendly Reading Age
I have never seen anything like this before. The novel, As Flies to Whatless Boys, indeed stands on its own as a tremendous piece of literature. I had a difficult time deciding if it was indeed fictional. Antoni is flawless at introducing

The Richest Literary Experience for the iPad Friendly Reading Age
I have never seen anything like this before. The novel, As Flies to Whatless Boys, indeed stands on its own as a tremendous piece of literature. I had a difficult time deciding if it was indeed fictional. Antoni is flawless at introducing

Put On Your Caribbean, Tourists are Here.
“Locked into this conventional marketing politics is the perception that potential visitors want direct messages; they do not want to be bogged down with difference, and they do not want to think of ‘natives’ as anything more than stock figures

Put On Your Caribbean, Tourists are Here.
“Locked into this conventional marketing politics is the perception that potential visitors want direct messages; they do not want to be bogged down with difference, and they do not want to think of ‘natives’ as anything more than stock figures

Legacies of Cesaire: An Online Forum
I recognize Aime Cesaire mostly for his work as a poet. I was introduced to his literary work as an undergraduate student and I cannot say that I understand much about the man behind works such as, Une Tempete, that allowed

Legacies of Cesaire: An Online Forum
I recognize Aime Cesaire mostly for his work as a poet. I was introduced to his literary work as an undergraduate student and I cannot say that I understand much about the man behind works such as, Une Tempete, that allowed

Internet: A Creative Space for Diasporan Identities to Flourish
I proudly declare that You Tube helped me find myself. As a teen, I spent many late nights on the Internet watching performance poetry by Latin@s, searching for merengue videos that were deemed Dominican classics, and watching comedy channels dedicated

Internet: A Creative Space for Diasporan Identities to Flourish
I proudly declare that You Tube helped me find myself. As a teen, I spent many late nights on the Internet watching performance poetry by Latin@s, searching for merengue videos that were deemed Dominican classics, and watching comedy channels dedicated

Contemplating Modern Caribbean Identities
Curwen Best’s “Internet and the Culture Wars: Caribbean Literary / Cultural Studies in Cyberspace” hits a vein of specific interest in the subject of Caribbean writers and who gets to identify as so and why. In December 2013 renowned Dominican

Contemplating Modern Caribbean Identities
Curwen Best’s “Internet and the Culture Wars: Caribbean Literary / Cultural Studies in Cyberspace” hits a vein of specific interest in the subject of Caribbean writers and who gets to identify as so and why. In December 2013 renowned Dominican

Caribbean Women’s Movements and Organizations
This is a resources page dedicated to Caribbean Feminism, historical Women’s Movements and existing Feminist and Women’s Organizations in the Caribbean. Existing Women’s Organizations: The Women Speak Project – “The WomenSpeak Project’s Mission is to provide a forum for women to tell

Caribbean Women’s Movements and Organizations
This is a resources page dedicated to Caribbean Feminism, historical Women’s Movements and existing Feminist and Women’s Organizations in the Caribbean. Existing Women’s Organizations: The Women Speak Project – “The WomenSpeak Project’s Mission is to provide a forum for women to tell